Things to think about when making a decision

As far as possible we want all children in care to have normal lives, and this means giving both you and them the ability to make some decisions that enable the child to take part in normal, acceptable, and age-appropriate activities.

With this in mind, find the following basic principles for making decisions.

ConsiderQuestion prompts

Views of the child

What does the child think?

Age/developmentally appropriate

Will the decision be age/developmentally appropriate?

Safety of the child

Does the decision reflect that the child’s safety is paramount?

Security of the child

Will the decision build the child’s sense of belonging and connectedness?


Who else should be involved in this decision, e.g. parents, your Child Safety Officer (CSO) or agency support worker?


How quickly is a decision required? How do I escalate the request for a decision to be made if I don’t receive a timely response from Child Safety?

Legal status of the child

Is this a decision that needs to be made by the child’s legal guardian?

Culture and community

Will the decision affect the child’s connection to their culture and community?

Resources Does the decision require Child Safety to pre-approve expenditure?

Human rights

Does the decision limit the child's human rights? Is the limitation reasonable or justified?

There are 23 human rights to consider.

Visit the Queensland Human Rights Commission website for more information.

These basic principles provide the basis for discussions between children, carers, parents, CSOs and agency support workers so that everyone can arrive to the best decision for the child.